Wild Florals & Fabrics.

Foraged floral arrangements and natural plant dyes are something I admire and am continually astonished by. Two very different practices, though both require a sense of outdoor adventure and wonder. The hunting/gathering stage focuses attention to plants and places that may have otherwise been overlooked. Wonder, exploration, and creativity are utilized in order to discover a landscape.  Get excited!!!! Here are a few artisans and businesses to admire:

Swallows and Damsons was founded by Anna Potter, and is based out of Sheffield, England. Originally drawn to the area because of its mix of creativity and community, Anna decided to open her own shop after working with two of the city’s leading florists. Her installations and arrangements are a true testament to the bespoke natural beauty an arrangement can posses with the help of a creative hand & visionary.



Rebecca Desnos is a natural dyer from the UK, a writer, a mother of two, and an all-round plant lover. She is a natural storyteller, creates books and magazines about the things she makes with plants, then publishes them herself. Check out her latest publication, Botanical Colour at Your Fingertips.

Courtney Joy is an artist and a farmer, with her husband, Michael Gutschenritter. They own and operate Three Brothers Farm in Oconomowoc, Wisconsin.  Most of the flowers used in the floral design work come from the farm. They also grow vegetables for their Community Supported Agriculture program, also known as CSA. They also provide flowers, eggs, chicken and vegetables to their community, and raise Shetland sheep for their gorgeous wool. 

Told ya, it’s SO GOOD! Something to really fall heads over heels in admiration over. Hope this inspires you to do your own floral arranging & fabric dyeing!