For reasons beyond my understanding, I have been forever drawn to the crude and simple warmth that plywood exudes. Plywood is so inherently interesting as a raw material. With a wide range of possible grain cuts, it hosts many natural patterns which instantly warm an interior. In a piece of furniture or cabinetry, exposing the thin layers (or plies) on the edges is a reminder that there is a sensible grace in the manufacturing of this everyday building material. Democratic in design, it effortlessly weaves beauty throughout low-budget and high-end statement rooms alike. Though there hasn't been an overwhelming movement toward plywood furniture or architecture, I do take comfort in knowing this is an extremely versatile material that speaks volumes of simple modern elegance.
Uncommon Projects, designed & manufactured in London, creates bespoke plywood furniture. The majority of their work is produced in high quality hardwood veneered plywood, giving it a playfully sophisticated point of view.
Dries Otten is a furniture designer, interior architect and scenographer based in Antwerp, Belgium. He is known for his commitment to color and an ability to design playful joinery. Below are a few examples of his kitchen & cabinetry.
WAKA-WAKA is a Los Angeles based studio focusing on wood furniture and functional objects. Designer and craftsmen Shin Okuda often uses Baltic birch plywood as his choice material.
I might be weirdo, but holy smackers isn't plywood just outrageously dreamy!? Check out these additional spaces that benefit so much from it's inclusion: