Sure, most of us may have contemplated an open concept plan in our traditionally built homes, or we might unilaterally agree that golden oak and polished brass finishes aren’t the hippest material combo – but what direction are you choosing to navigate yourself away from these outdated trend & fashion concepts?! How will you escape the turmoil?!!! Over the past year of owning my own biz, as well as the handful of years that I’ve owned my own home – the idea of permanency has always been overruled by the thought that our homes are a living and breathing idea that needs tending to. In my eyes, the goal of design isn’t to create a permanent or stagnant scenes, but to create a place of refuge the grows and adapts with us as we live and work inside of it all day long and evolve as humans!
This past year has undeniably asked many of us to rethink our home dwellings and the functions they serve. Along with this practicality, how can we make aesthetic choices that grow and serve us more easily with the changing tides of life?!
Consider a color story in your home’s paint color scheme. Grab a color you like and use it as an accent on a living room wall & go 3 or 4 shades darker in an adjoining, smaller space. Do you spend an awful lot of time hanging out in your kitchen? Paint your kitchen’s ceiling your favorite color for an added element of surprise! Or even consider painting your home’s trim entirely in an unexpected pastel hue instead of boring old white?! AM I CRAZY?! Probably. Speaking of crazy (cool!) - here’s a home vision that takes a rainbow maximus palette to a whole ‘nother level!
Find accent furniture that is easily adaptable inside of many settings, or pieces with inherent multifunction capabilities. Instead of an end table, try a low wooden stool. This stool can be adapted into a chair for extra company, a foot rest for an armchair, or a plant stand.
Turn a sunroom view into an open shelving situation that highlights the character and honesty of your decor style :)
Frame a patterned textile, hang a table runner as a tapestry, look for ways to adapt and use the things you own in different ways..
Flip your ideas on their heads, don’t be afraid to step outside of the box and follow what you crave to see and experiment within your own space’s walls. Easy style refreshes which require minimal tools can be your hero pieces!
Anyways! Thanks for listening – I’ll be back with more weirdness soon, I promise!
xo, Jordan