The shapes of your immediate physical space greatly affect the way you think to interact with your environment. Chuck ‘n I recently enjoyed a multi-day stay inside of a teepee ..this was our first time experiencing something that just seemed to work so seamlessly and effortlessly between earth & a built environment. The walls carry a signature convex cone shape of durable fabric and skins that opens to a naturally vented top point. All centered around a central indoor fire pit (let that flame burn, baby, burn!), it was easy to feel just how much the basic living elements affected your mood and state of mind. Less distractions getting in the way of visceral emotions. Yeah! Let’s talk about it !
Apartment design by Mistovia
Image Source: Yellow Trace AU
A transition into a new season often symbolizes a shift to a newly shaped environment. Doesn’t it just seem like we were crowded around a bonfire, toasting them toasty marshmallows only a few short weeks ago? Time for something new – SHAKE IT UP!!
Designs by Studio Gram
Image Source : Yellow Trace AU
Painting a more realistic and grounded portrait of what it looks and feels like to live indoors essentially for ½ of the year makes my head spin around a few times, but also… makes me want to jump for joy with the darkness and solitude that lies ahead. What shapes we surround ourself with immediately fuel us for the upcoming cold-weather months.
Designs + Images by Home Studios NYC
Playing with ceiling height changes, catering to custom built-in furniture, and choosing a color palette that feels exactly like YOU - are all design elements and characteristics we have the freedom to mess around with in order to find a place that feels exactly like us.
Design by Amos Goldreich Architecture
Image Source : Dwell
This technique flows from the architecture and composure of the framework, down through decor and interior design decisions. Allow the neutrals in the room to sit complacent, while the accents change more dramatically with the changing tides of our seasons and minds!
Image Source : Dwell
Catch ya later my alligators! I can’t wait to share more weird ideas and thoughts with ya :))