Burn Baby Burn!

Welcome to part 2 of our zodiac-inspired design series. Last post we touched on the fluid adaptability & artistic nature embraced by the Pisces sign. Today, we uncover Aries – who’s most recognized quality is being a natural born leader. In a home setting, a boss aesthetic & proper showcase centered around their own super fly ideas might help this zodiac personality take a minute to pause & celebrate. This notion of pausing to celebrate ourselves is something we can all take away and pepper into our own spaces. I’m not just talking golden trophies & flashy metals. I’m talking about recognizing the colors, shapes, textures, and smells that make us tick & lift us up to be the best verion of ourselves. The things that really say - look out y’all, this is me! One great place to start with this idea is a fireplace mantel & surround. Follow along while I debrief some mysteries about hunky-dory fireplace design & decor tactics : )

“Aries is a fire sign, meaning you’re confident, and—let’s face it—a little bossy. You're also one of the four cardinal signs, so you’re quite literally born to lead. Cardinal signs like being in charge, and the other zodiac signs feel comfortable following the trends you set. Your patron planet is go-getter Mars, giving you a seemingly endless storehouse of energy upon which to draw. “ Amelia Quint for My Domaine

Your mantel, fireplace & hearth’s personality set the tone for the remainder of the room, and typically strike a repetitious chord elsewhere inside of your home. It’s a perfect place to figure out your preferred balance of curated minimalism vs stacks on stacks of miscellaneous tchotchkes. My personal preferences & aesthetic proportions tends to fluctuate – so please, don’t feel or think this is the final end all say all descriptor of your disposition. Here’s a handful of fiery moments that blur the boundaries in both minimal & maximalist sensibilities:

Balanced eclecticism; a pair of handmade, organic light fixtures & a simple framed piece of artwork top off the decadent simplicity of the nero marquina fireplace surround. The coffee table that flows out of this fireplace moment connects high contrast, thought-provoking textures, ideas & emotional objects.

Curated simplicity; an understated mirror draws extra light & attention on the room’s central statement light fixture. Repetition of organic, handcrafted ceramic vessels throughout add a softness to a room stripped to a bare-bones material palette.

Here, the furniture setting really draws the viewer to experience the fire as a part of the conversation. The clean, minimalist furniture is mirrored back through the traditional trim-work & wall molding painted in a single white hue. The size & scale of the golden-framed mirror is a gentle reminder of the decadence of this home’s architecture & traditional values.

Manage what could be potential clutter with a variety of shelving & decorative containers to host the most out of your decor!

One last thought on making your fireplace feel fresh & more like you. Do you adore the history of your home, but can’t vibe with the existing material scheme? Often time a stone or brick fireplace sucks a lot of light out of a room or clash pretty heavily with an otherwise consistent color palette. Here’s my advice: PAINT IT WHITE.

Feelin’ the warm of these fireplace & disco queen tribe leader vibes yet? Let the season of Aries remind you to reflect upon your accomplishments, keep headstrong in your goals, & above all, to burn baby burn!

xoxo, Jordan