Heirloom is defined as a valuable object that has belonged to a family for several generations.
In an age of peak consumerism, the possessions we deem as permanently valuable and irreplaceable are certainly at risk of losing the popularity contest. So how do we start to invest in pieces and products that are not only meaningful to us now, but also to us decades and generations down the line? Some very personal questions must be posed and considered, as we evolve to discover our true selves and character. Here are some tips to consider when making your next home goods (and beyond!) purchases:
1. Where is it made?
Supporting local businesses reinforces the strength of local communities. This strengthens our country from the inside out. It provides the best solution for building our national economy by building the most solid foundation imaginable. From increasing job count, reducing lower carbon footprint, growing a stronger economy, supporting human rights and health standards - supporting American-made products is a critical thing to consider. Buying products made in the USA is an investment in America and an investment in her future.
2. What does quality mean?
This means you compare your products to their theoretical best, not to competing products. Artist and craftsmen of the physical product make every decision based on whether it will make the product better or worse. The most appropriate materials are selected for the purpose that the object serves. When the fabrication is done, all of the previous steps considered lead up to the highest quality result possible.
3. Why does this investment matter?
When we choose to purchase an heirloom-quality good, we choose to put our undivided trust in that company. We must realize that the status quo from a vast majority of retailers assumes the customer doesn’t expect we are approaching a purchase based on quality vs quantity. Consumer culture has been driven by what is new and next for the past handful of decades. As I encourage you to shift from a high volume-low quality mindset, heirloom design can be seen as a radical alternative with numerous beneficial outcomes.
Stay local. Stay beautiful!